Reform on terms of lease of communal lands in case of investments

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The reform proposes to establish that if the land plot of the agricultural land owned by the state or communities has been changed from grasslands, pastures or other land plots to the land plot of perennial plantations during the term of the lease agreement, the rent during the term of the agreement is subject to not a raise. In addition, it is proposed to stipulate that in case of extending the lease agreement or signing a new lease agreement for the same plot with the previous tenant, the rent will be discounted, in the event that the market value of the plot increases as a result of the investment made. Moreover, the market value of the plot is determined by an independent appraiser. The value of the market value of the plot of land with the changed plot and the market value of the plot of land with the same plot before the change will be taken as the calculation basis. If the consensus shows that the market value of the plot with the changed plot is significantly higher, then depending on the magnitude of the increase in the market value, 30-50% of the market rent will be applied.