7th December 2023

SME Development 22th Sub Council Meeting

  • Issue 1

    In case of non-calculation or non-payment of wages by the employer in accordance with the law, the possibility of reviewing the liability established by the "Administrative Offenses" Code

  • Issue 2

    Presentation of the system of stamping with control (identification) marks based on the draft of the RA government's decision "On approving the features of the implementation of the monitoring information system for the circulation of goods subject to control (identification) marks" and the regulations of the EAEU (0 2 .06.2023 Postponed issue at the session of the Small and Medium Business Development Sub-Council.

  • Issue 3

    Presentation of the system introduced by the RA government's decision N 808 of May 25, 2023 "On approving the list of sensitive goods exported from the Republic of Armenia and transported in transit through the territory of the Republic of Armenia" and discussion of proposals for its improvement.