Council Meetings
13th March 2025
SME Development 31st Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
Report on the implementation of the decisions adopted during the previous session by the Council Secretary.
Issue 2
On the e-draft platform, regarding the draft law "On Amendments and Additions to the RA Administrative Procedure Code" (abolition of the general rule on the suspension of administrative acts, including fines, in case of appeal). (This issue concerns all SME entities operating in the Republic of Armenia and has been included as an urgent matter by the vote of the Council members.)
Issue 3
Regarding the draft law "On Amendments and Additions to the RA Tax Code" (This issue concerns all SME entities operating in the Republic of Armenia). A. Expansion of the possibility to adjust transactions/accounting documents in case of product returns. B. Exemption from fines when the tax agent fulfills the obligation in cases of undocumented acquisitions by a turnover tax payer. C. Clarification and systematization of the tax accounting rules for foreign currency purchase and sale transactions during import and export operations. D. Issues related to the offsetting of tax bases for VAT and excise duties in transactions involving gratuitous or compensation at significantly lower than market value. E. Issues related to the application of the negative consequences specified in Article 150, Part 14 of the RA Tax Code to business operators in the event of the death of an individual receiving passive income.
4th March 2025
SME Development 26th Council Meeting
Question 1
Report on the Activities Carried Out Within the Framework of the Council in 2024 A. Presentation of the Results of the Discussion on the Rotation of Council Members and the Council’s Working Procedures B. Initiatives Discussed Within the Framework of the Council in 2024
Question 2
The draft law on "Amendments and Supplements to the Labor Code of the Republic of Armenia" published on the E-draft platform (reduction of working hours from 8 to 7 hours daily, and from 40 to 35 hours weekly, while maintaining the salary). (This issue applies to all SMEs operating in the territory of the Republic of Armenia).
Question 3
The program for supporting the acquisition of certificates for the compliance of security management systems and products. (This issue applies to SMEs operating in the agricultural and manufacturing sectors in the territory of the Republic of Armenia).
Question 4
The draft law on "Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Organizing and Conducting Inspections in the Republic of Armenia" initiated by the Coordination Office of Supervisory Authorities, which proposes a number of problematic points. ● Removal of the requirement for prior notice before conducting inspections, and in some cases, conducting inspections without the business operator presenting an inspection order at all, ● Introduction of unclear mechanisms for notifying business operators, ● Introduction of inadequately regulated "studies." (This issue applies to all SMEs operating in the territory of the Republic of Armenia).
Question 5
Discussion on the development of a new strategy for SME development.
6th December 2024
SME Development 30th Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
On Amendments and Supplements to the Law "On Protection of Economic Competition" and a number of related draft laws
Issue 2
On the draft law "On Amendments to the Land Code of the Republic of Armenia" (on certain incentives for the establishment of perennial plantations on state and community lands and attracting investments)
Issue 3
Discussion of some key issues of legislative regulations on transfer pricing
Issue 4
On the issues of applying the negative consequences defined in Part 14 of Article 150 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Armenia to economic operators in the event of the death of an individual receiving passive income.
25th September 2024
SME Development 25th Council Meeting
Issue 1
Regarding the draft law of the Republic of Armenia "On Amendments and Supplements to the Tax Code of the Republic of Armenia" posted on the E-draft platform, aimed at transferring the performance of professional works and the provision of services from special taxation systems to the general taxation system (the question concerns SME entities operating in the territory of the Republic of Armenia performing professional works and providing services).
23rd October 2024
SME Development 29th Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
A package of draft laws "On Amendments and Supplements to the Law "On Organization and Conduct of Inspections in the Republic of Armenia" and related laws, posted on the e-draft platform, proposes: ● Eliminating the possibility for economic operators to object to the draft inspection act, ● Creating the possibility of conducting "studies" without clear grounds and procedures, ● Introducing unclear notification mechanisms, ● Eliminating the requirement for prior notification of inspections by inspection bodies. (The issue concerns all SME entities operating in the territory of the Republic of Armenia).
Issue 2
The draft law “On Amendments and Supplements to the Tax Code of the Republic of Armenia” posted on the E-draft platform, which proposes: ● To establish that the taxpayer is obliged to provide, on the same day, upon a written request submitted on the day of familiarization with the audit order to the taxpayer, on an electronic medium, a copy of the computer programs that enable accounting and (or) commercial activities or a file created using them, ● That the tax authority has the right to seize mobile phones and correspondence without a court decision, ● To establish that in the event of integration of the cash register program with external (commercial) programs, the economic operator will be liable regardless of the fact whether the error is the result of software intervention made by him or not. (The issue concerns all SME entities operating in the territory of the Republic of Armenia).
Issue 3
On the possibility of a natural person, the sole participant of an LLC, acting as a manager or unpaid director exercising the powers of an LLC director.
18th September 2024
SME Development 28th Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
Regarding the draft law of the Republic of Armenia "On Amendments and Supplements to the Tax Code of the Republic of Armenia" posted on the E-draft platform, aimed at transferring the performance of professional works and the provision of services from simplified taxation systems to the general taxation system
11th September 2024
SME Development 27th Sub Council Meeting
Issue 1
Reporting on the implementation of the decisions made during the previous session
Issue 2
396 of the Agreement of February 2, 2018 "On the Stamping of Goods with Identification Means in the Eurasian Economic Union" and the Tax Code of the Republic of Armenia . Based on Article 1, regarding the issues related to the stamping of products (with QR codes) (The question refers to SMEs operating in the field of production and trade).
Issue 3
Questions related to provisions of the RA Tax Code on cashier functionalities and resumption of the activities
Issue 4
Discussion of the problems recorded in the OECD SME Policy Index 2024 report. (The question refers to all SME subjects of RA).
24th July 2024
SME Development 24th Council Meeting
Issue 1
Approval of the agenda
Issue 2
Report of the Secretary of the Council on the implementation of the decisions made during the previous session
Issue 3
Implementation of the possibility of deferring the obligation to pay the difference in cadastral values arising as a result of the change in the purpose of the plots of land (draft of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On making additions to the Land Code of the Republic of Armenia")
Issue 4
Regarding a number of issues of the legislation on limited liability companies ("On making amendments and additions to the Law on Limited Liability Companies", "On making additions to the Labor Code of the Republic of Armenia", "On state registration of legal entities, separate subdivisions of legal entities, institutions and a package of draft laws "On Amendments to the Law on State Accounting of Individual Entrepreneurs"
10th July 2024
SME Development 26th Sub Council Meeting
Issue 1
Regarding the proposed amendments to RA Tax legislation
26th June 2024
SME Development 25th Sub Council Meeting
Issue 1
Reporting on the implementation of the decisions made during the previous session:
Issue 2
Regarding a number of issues of the legislation on limited liability companies ("On making amendments and additions to the Law on Limited Liability Companies", "On making additions to the Labor Code of the Republic of Armenia", "On state registration of legal entities, separate subdivisions of legal entities, institutions and a package of draft laws "On Amendments to the Law on State Accounting of Individual Entrepreneurs"
19th June 2024
SME Development 23th Council Meeting
Issue 1
Approval of the agenda
Issue 2
Report of the Secretary of the Council on the implementation of the decisions made during the previous session:
Issue 3
Introduction of legal regulations regarding the convertible loan agreement of LLC share or Joint Stock Company shares (package of draft laws "On Amendments to the RA Civil Code", "On Amendments to the Law on Limited Liability Companies", "On Amendments to the Law on Joint Stock Companies" )
Issue 4
Initiative to reform bad debt write-off regulations (draft of the Law on Amendments to the RA Tax Code)
3rd April 2024
SME Development 24th Sub Council Meeting
Issue 1
Reporting on the implementation of the decisions made during the previous session:
Issue 2
Implementation of the possibility to postpone the obligation to pay the difference in the cadastral values arising as a result of the change in the purpose of the plots of land (draft of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Amendments to the Land Code of the Republic of Armenia")
7th February 2024
SME Development 23th Sub Council Meeting
Issue 1
Product quality improvement support event
Issue 2
Product expertise support event
Issue 3
Draft RA Law "On Amendments and Amendments to the RA Code on Administrative Offenses" circulated by the RA SRC.
7th December 2023
SME Development 22th Sub Council Meeting
Issue 1
In case of non-calculation or non-payment of wages by the employer in accordance with the law, the possibility of reviewing the liability established by the "Administrative Offenses" Code
Issue 2
Presentation of the system of stamping with control (identification) marks based on the draft of the RA government's decision "On approving the features of the implementation of the monitoring information system for the circulation of goods subject to control (identification) marks" and the regulations of the EAEU (0 2 .06.2023 Postponed issue at the session of the Small and Medium Business Development Sub-Council.
Issue 3
Presentation of the system introduced by the RA government's decision N 808 of May 25, 2023 "On approving the list of sensitive goods exported from the Republic of Armenia and transported in transit through the territory of the Republic of Armenia" and discussion of proposals for its improvement.
29th November 2023
SME Development 22th Council Meeting
Issue 1
Approval of the agenda
Issue 2
Report of the Secretary of the Council on the implementation of the decisions made during the previous session:
Issue 3
According to the results of the examination, introduction of regulations aimed at excluding the need for double examination during the export of non-dual-purpose goods and the import of goods that are not military goods ("Control over the export of dual-purpose goods, their transit through the territory of the Republic of Armenia, as well as the transfer of dual-purpose information and results of intellectual activity Draft Laws on Amendments to the Law on Customs and Amendments to the Law on Customs Regulation).
Issue 4
Introduction of legal regulations for concluding a financing (factoring) contract in return for the concession of the monetary claim arising from the purchase contract ("Draft of the RA Government Decision on making additions to the RA Government Decision No. 526-N of May 4, 2017"),
24th November 2023
SME Development 21th Sub Council Meeting
Issue 1
Introduction of legal regulations regarding the convertible loan agreement of LLC share or Joint Stock Company shares (package of draft laws "On Amendments to the RA Civil Code", "On Amendments to the Law on Limited Liability Companies", "On Amendments to the Law on Joint Stock Companies" )
Issue 2
Initiative to reform bad debt write-off regulations (draft law on "Amending the RA Tax Code")
11th October 2023
SME Development 20th Sub Council Meeting
Issue 1
Revision of some technical requirements established for the implementation of educational programs (including from the point of view of expanding professional education and training opportunities for persons forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh) ("in the RA Government's Decision No. 808-N of July 9, 2009 and No. 24 of January 16, 2001 on making amendments and additions" draft decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia).
Issue 2
Initiative to introduce a digital platform for concluding labor contracts (draft of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Making Amendments and Additions to the Labor Code of the Republic of Armenia")
Issue 3
Regarding the non-publication of the annual program of complex tax audits, restrictions on the adjustment of tax calculations, the project of the deadlines for the nomination of tax obligations ( issue postponed in the session of the SME sub-council on 04.10.2023).
Issue 4
Issues related to the operation of free economic zones in RA (discussion of the procedure for inclusion in the register of free economic zones and other issues).
4th October 2023
SME Development 19th Sub Council Meeting
Issue 1
Reporting on the implementation of the decisions made during the previous session.
Issue 2
Introduction of legal regulations for concluding a financing (factoring) contract in return for the concession of the monetary claim arising from the purchase contract ("Draft of the RA Government Decision on making additions to the RA Government Decision No. 526-N of May 4, 2017")
Issue 3
Regarding the draft regulations regarding banking secrecy
Issue 4
Regarding the non-publication of the annual program of complex tax audits, the restrictions on the adjustment of tax calculations, the draft of the deadlines for submitting tax obligations
19th July 2023
SME Development 21st Council Meeting
Issue 1
Approval of the agenda
Issue 2
Report of the Secretary of the Council on the implementation of the decisions made during the previous session:
Issue 3
In case of non-calculation or non-payment of wages by the employer in accordance with the law, the possibility of revising the liability established by the Code of the Republic of Armenia on Administrative Offenses (draft of the Law of the Republic of Armenia on Amendments to the Code of the Republic of Armenia on Administrative Offenses)
Issue 4
In case of incorrect printing of VAT or VAT codes on cash register receipts (under the conditions of printing the name of the product that corresponds to reality), setting a lower amount of the fine for violation of the rules of cash register application.
29th June 2023
SME Development 18th Sub Council Meeting
Issue 1
Discussion of problems and proposals regarding the mandatory health insurance package ( 02.06.2023 )
2nd June 2023
SME Development 17th Sub Council Meeting
Issue 1
Reporting on the implementation of the decisions made during the previous session: ● Approval of a number of amendments to the Labor Code ● Simplification of dividend payment regulations by limited liability companies ("Draft Law on Amending the Law on Limited Liability Companies") ● Video recording requirement for cash register users exceeding the threshold of AMD 24 million, secret video recording and confiscation procedures to detect violations drafts of defining legal acts ● Payment obligations between trading networks and supplier organizations anti-default settings ● Revision of the 25-year upper limit of the agricultural land lease period in the case of certain types of perennial plantations ● A package of changes in the Tax Code in order to increase the volume of donations from businesses to HEIs, secondary professional and general education institutions ● Draft government decision on approving the measure of involvement of specialists in the field of manufacturing industry ● Clarification of the regulations defined by the RA Tax Code for the circulation of reusable containers (draft of the law "On Amendments to the Tax Code of the Republic of Armenia")
Issue 2
Discussion of issues and proposals regarding the compulsory health insurance package.
Issue 3
A package of amendments to the Law "On Currency Regulation and Currency Control" in order to expand the cases of quotation in foreign currency .
Issue 4
Questions related to the use of cash registers 4.1: Determining the minimum amount of the fine for violation of the rules of the cash register in case of incorrect printing of ATGAA or TGTDD codes on the cash register receipts . 4.2 Discussion of issues related to extending the obligation to print the product name and product position, job or service name and code, quantity of purchased product and its measurement unit on the cash register receipt to all cash register users, as well as stamping a number of products with control (identification) marks.
20th April 2023
SME Development 16th Sub Council Meeting
Issue 1
Draft legislation establishing a mandatory documentation requirement for sales tax payers for transactions involving the acquisition of goods.
Issue 2
Video recording requirement for cash register users exceeding the threshold of 24 million drams, drafts of legal acts defining grounds for covert video recording in order to reveal violations and control purchase through another person.
Issue 3
A law that worsens the operating conditions of the micro-enterprise system.
Issue 4
Draft legal act establishing analytical accounting requirements for individual entrepreneurs.
7th April 2023
SME Development 15th Sub Council Meeting
Issue 1
Council's report on the implementation of the decisions made during the previous sessions:
Issue 2
In the case of non-calculation or non-payment of wages by the employer in accordance with the law, the possibility of reviewing the liability established by the "Administrative Offenses" Code
Issue 3
Definition of the concept of an option contract and the basic conditions for its application, creation of a regulatory framework for option contracts ( about making amendments and additions to the "Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia", the Law "On Joint Stock Companies", the Law "On State Registration of Property Rights") RA draft law)
Issue 4
Revision of the requirement for liquidation of LLCs in case of negative amount of net assets ("Draft of the RA Law on Amendments and Additions to the RA Law on Limited Liability Companies")
Issue 5
Urgent questions presented by the SME Cooperation Association. • In the case of training camps, the issue of the employer paying the difference between the amount paid by the state and the salary, • Issues related to the definition of asset and liability accounting requirements for private individuals, • Questions related to the deterioration of the conditions of the micro-enterprise system.
1st February 2023
SME Development 14th Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
Report of the Council on the implementation of the decisions adopted during the previous sessions: Draft Government Decision on approving the measure to promote tourism in the Syunik and Vayots Dzor regions of the Republic of Armenia Draft Government Decision on approving the measure to attract specialists in the field of developing industries A measure to encourage the use of derivative financial instruments operating in Armenia A program to support SMEs in terms of bank guarantees
Issue 2
Introduction of mechanisms to encourage the digital transformation and automation of businesses as a result of the RA Government Decision No. 1976-N of December 3, 2020
Issue 3
A package of changes to the Tax Code in order to increase the volume of donations from business to higher educational institutions, secondary vocational and general education institutions
Issue 4
Revision of the upper limit of the 25-year lease term of agricultural lands
Issue 5
Discussion on the draft of the electronic platform for registration of labor contracts and individual legal acts on employment and conclusion of labor contracts
Issue 6
Discussion of the issues of mandatory health insurance.
25th January 2023
SME Development 19th Council Meeting
Issue 1
Package to encourage the involvement of highly qualified employees (Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No. 1224-L of August 4, 2022), Regulations preventing periodic non-fulfillment of payment obligations between retail chains and supplier organizations, Regulations on the simplified liquidation of inactive taxpayer organizations (draft laws on amendments to the Civil Code, on amendments to the Law on State Registration of Legal Entities, Separated Subdivisions, Institutions and Individual Entrepreneurs, on Amendments to the Law on Joint Stock Companies)
Issue 2
Introduction of predictable and flexible legislative regulations for remote and combined remote work (Draft Law "On Amendments and Supplements to the Labor Code of the Republic of Armenia")
Issue 3
Creation of a legal framework for SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity - SAFE) contracts (Draft Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Amendments and Supplements to the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Joint Stock Companies")
Issue 4
Simplification of the regulations for the payment of dividends by limited liability companies (Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Limited Liability Companies)
13th December 2022
SME Development 13th Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
Introduction of mechanisms to encourage the use of derivative financial instruments in Armenia
Issue 2
Introduction of mechanisms for attracting specialists from inactive labor force in the manufacturing sector
Issue 3
Introduction of mechanisms to encourage digital transformation of businesses within the framework of the RA Government Resolution N1976-N of December 3, 2020
Issue 4
Discussion of the issues of providing a bank guarantee for advance payment in the case of innovative work performed by engineering companies on the orders of reputable foreign companies and the production of products based on them
Issue 5
Discussion of the main issues of compulsory health insurance
19th October 2022
SME Development 12th Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
Question 1: Proposed reforms of the RA Labor Code for the purpose of legislative regulation of remote and combined remote work in the RA Labor Code.
Issue 2
In September 2022, two support measures for settlements affected by military operations.
Issue 3
Possible tourism promotion measures in Vayots Dzor and Syunik marzes.
Issue 4
Regulation of relations, particularly contractual relations, between the organizers of places of trade, trade centers and the tenants who work with them.
2nd August 2022
SME Development 11th Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
RA Government Decision N 355-L of March 26, 2020 "On Approving the Economy Modernization Measure"draft decision of the RA government on making changes and additions to it:
20th June 2022
SME Development 10th Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
Issues related with the implementation of the law on non-cash payments
Issue 2
Legislative changes in the tax code on reusable bottles
29th April 2022
SME Development 9th Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
Proposal to exempt from VAT one-time commission from signing leasing contracts
Issue 2
Proposal to exempt from income tax alienation of the physical persons' property in case of the leasing contract
Issue 3
Proposal to outline the specifications for the cadaster registration of different type of properties which become leasing objects (greenhouse, slaughterhouse, warehouse, etc.)
29th March 2022
SME Development 8th Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
Discussion of the necessity to determine limitation period for salary reimbursement in Article 30 of the Labor Code
Issue 2
On the Labor Code changes in the maternity leave procedures
Issue 3
On the Labor Code changes to allow for flexible hiring process for the interns
Issue 4
Changes in the regulations on recalculation of paid and not used amount of the annual leave
Issue 5
Changes in the regulations on the accumulated vacations
9th November 2021
SME Development 7th Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
Discussion of the problematic areas of the Law on non-cash payments
Issue 2
Legislative changes to allow businesses not to select the tax regime at the stage of registration
4th October 2021
SME Development 6th Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
"Wildberries" electronic marketplace entrance requirement and legislative changes on e-trade
Issue 2
Business Ombudsman institute creation in Armenia
6th September 2021
SME Development 5th Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
Additional expenses arising from the tax stamping processes
Issue 2
Tax Code related changes to the cancelled settlement procedures
26th July 2021
SME Development 4th Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
Draft law on changes for SME notification system by the State Revenue Committee
Issue 2
Proposals in the Labor code to prevent the employees avoiding the registration not to lose the unemployment benefits
19th May 2020
SME Development 3rd Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
COVID-19 Response assistance programs discussions
Issue 2
Tax Code changes and breaks for SMEs in the COVID-19 period
2nd October 2019
SME Development 2nd Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
Draft law on liquidation of the companies that have not been active for the past 5 years
Issue 2
Revision of the tax administration and several Tax code provisions on SMEs
12th December 2018
SME Development 1st Sub-Council Meeting
Issue 1
On the decriminalization of certain economic offences, existing in the RA Criminal Code.
Issue 2
Allow small wineries possibility to apply to the family business taxation regime and turnover tax taxation regime.
Issue 3
On making notifications the first administrative penalty for delays of tax payment or tax reports submission