23rd October 2024
SME Development 29th Sub-Council Meeting

Issue 1
A package of draft laws "On Amendments and Supplements to the Law "On Organization and Conduct of Inspections in the Republic of Armenia" and related laws, posted on the e-draft platform, proposes: ● Eliminating the possibility for economic operators to object to the draft inspection act, ● Creating the possibility of conducting "studies" without clear grounds and procedures, ● Introducing unclear notification mechanisms, ● Eliminating the requirement for prior notification of inspections by inspection bodies. (The issue concerns all SME entities operating in the territory of the Republic of Armenia).
Issue 2
The draft law “On Amendments and Supplements to the Tax Code of the Republic of Armenia” posted on the E-draft platform, which proposes: ● To establish that the taxpayer is obliged to provide, on the same day, upon a written request submitted on the day of familiarization with the audit order to the taxpayer, on an electronic medium, a copy of the computer programs that enable accounting and (or) commercial activities or a file created using them, ● That the tax authority has the right to seize mobile phones and correspondence without a court decision, ● To establish that in the event of integration of the cash register program with external (commercial) programs, the economic operator will be liable regardless of the fact whether the error is the result of software intervention made by him or not. (The issue concerns all SME entities operating in the territory of the Republic of Armenia).
Issue 3
On the possibility of a natural person, the sole participant of an LLC, acting as a manager or unpaid director exercising the powers of an LLC director.